winter squashWell Harvest Homecoming has ended and we are ready to finish out this year’s farmer’s market.  We have two more weeks remaining for the season, and sad to say that the six inches of rain we had a couple of weeks ago has been hard on the crops.  We thought we would have plenty of broccoli and cauliflower but that’s just not going to happen; the rain caused them to get too large too fast. We lost so many and will more than likely not have many for the weekend.  We will have plenty of greens… Swiss Chard, kale, spinach, mustard and turnip.

We will have loads of fall/winter squashes available… spaghetti, acorn, butternut, etc… Tomatoes, we still have them and several varieties are still available.  Also available this Saturday: fresh green beans, potatoes,  sweet potatoes, green and golden zucchini, yellow summer squash, cucumbers, “candy” onions, bell peppers, cabbage, eggplants, Chinese cabbage, turnips, watermelon radishes, jalapenos peppers, pablono peppers, and  sweet banana peppers.

We are finished picking apples and will have Golden Delicious and Mutzu apples this week.  Both of these are great for cooking, eating  and apple butter making.

Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market. Just a reminder that we have been selling out early each week… so come early or pre-order to make sure you get the items you need.

“Basket of the Week” customers ~ please remember to bring back your baskets and make sure to e-mail me a reminder to ensure your basket order…

Thanks for your patronage,

Val & Kenny

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