We will be in front of Carr’s BBQ in Floyds Knobs this Saturday morning; 8:00-12:00. Stop by for your weekly fresh produce. It’s time for fall produce… This is our last week for the season, but we may have a few impromptu set ups in October with broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and greens. I will keep you informed via emails and Facebook.
Our “Veggie of the Week” will be acorn squash… I have posted my favorite recipe and will have several different recipes for you to pick up on Saturday.
On the tables this week you will find… Tomatoes & heirlooms!!! Also… butternut, acorn and spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, cabbage, green beans, new potatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, Swiss Chard, okra, beets, eggplant, pickles and Kenny’s candy onions. We will have more of our peppers… bells, habaneros, jalapeños and banana. We will also have Brazing Greens, Black Seeded Simpson, baby Buttercrunch lettuce, Pink radishes and French Breakfast radishes.
We will once again have apples… Johnagold and Mutzu will be available. It’s apple pie and dumpling weather. Fresh made Apple Butter will also be available.
Stop by and pick up some fresh goodies and chat for a while. Remember our homemade goodies are available inside Carr’s BBQ during his regular business hours. Fresh free-range eggs are always available as well.
Just a reminder, we have our homemade preserved items available, if you don’t see them be sure and ask. Grilling planks and Blackening Spice have also been restocked.
Have a great week and hope to see you Saturday,
Val & Kenny