cantaloupesIt’s going to be a hot and muggy day for the market this week, but so far it looks rain free.  Let’s hope so…three Wednesday of rain is just about enough.

Just tasted our first ripe cantaloupe, delicious… we will have the first picking available on Wednesday. Along with them we will have blueberries and peaches.

Summer crops are now available… home grown tomatoes, fresh corn and green beans! We’ll also have Swiss Chard, cabbage, new potatoes, zucchini – golden and green, summer squash, egg plants, green peppers, candy onions, beets and cucumbers. Kenny’s hot peppers are going to be available…jalapeños, banana peppers and his hot mix variety.

We have bushels of beets ready to harvest, if anyone needs some for canning please let us know and we will be glad to bring them to the market for you. It looks like we will have pickles for canning on Wednesday as well.  Let us know if you need any for your homemade pickles.

We will have some of our farm fresh eggs available, but they will be on a pre order only basis on Wednesdays.  It’s just too hot to keep unwanted eggs in the cooler.  Just let me know if you need me to bring some for you and I will be glad to accommodate you.

Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market and we hope to see you tomorrow,

Val & Kenny


**Notice to my Harrison County “Homemakers”…

Deliveries will be made this FRIDAY at 12:00

New Salisbury ~ Family Dollar ~ Parking Lot

Please be sure and order from this post and have your orders e-mailed by noon on Thursday.

Please tag subject line of e-mail… Harrison County Delivery

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