Winter Squashes

It looks like another great weekend for the New Albany Farmer’s Market… nice cool autumn weather with great fruits and vegetables for your family.

This Saturday at the market we will have plenty of  tomatoes (Kenny’s heirloom varieties are slowly ripening… oops I didn’t know but he has about 70 more Heirloom plants that are just getting ready… shows how much I know about his garden!), sweet corn, green beans -“Blue Lake” and “Roma”, okra, eggplant, peppers (it’s pepper season… we will have over 10 varieties, from the mildest to the hottest) zucchini-both golden as well as the traditional type, “Candy” onions, summer squash, cucumbers, Yukon Gold, Red Pontiac  and sweet potatoes.  With cool fall weather brings on the wonderful fall squashes… acorn, buttercup, spaghetti and butternut.  We will have many to choose from.

It’s apple time…we will have some of our first picked apples of the season.  Gala apples are so popular because of their sweet taste, but more importantly their crisp, firm texture. They resist bruising, softening and other defects. Our Mutzu apples are a larger semi-sweet crisp apple, great for baking, sauce, drying and freezing; they are now available as well as Golden Delicious and Red Delicious.

We still have some canning tomatoes available for those wanting them to make homemade salsa,  tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes or anything else” tomato”.  Call or e-mail if you need them.  If you contact us early we will bring them to the market on Saturday for pick up.

Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market,

Val & Kenny


P. S.   Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market as well.

Free Range and lovin' it!

Fresh green beans & apples


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