Good evening,
Just wanted to let everyone know what we will be having this Saturday at the New Albany Farmer’s Market. This week’s list looks pretty much like last weeks, with the exception of blackberries. We have been picking this week and they are tasty and beautiful, we should have them available thru July. We also have “Early Red Haven” peaches; these are the semi cling variety, the free stone ones should be available in the next week or so. We open at 8 am and we will remain until 1 pm.
This week we will have…
Green Beans
New Red Potatoes
Egg Plants
“Candy” Onions
Zucchini – Green & Gold
Yellow Squash
Swiss Chard
Mustard & Kale Blend
Green Peppers
Fresh cut BASIL
Blackberries will be available this weekend, they are looking really good this year.
Cucumbers – lots available again this week, pickles will be available for canning too.
It’s time for making Benedictine or summer salad with all the cucumbers available. I will post my Benedictine & Bacon Sandwich on my website.
If anyone needs me to make them a basket to have ready for pick up, just e-mail me and let me know early Friday. I will have your order ready when you arrive on Saturday. I also do a “Basket of the week” which includes a little bit of everything we have available the current week. The “Weekly Basket” run $25 and always includes fruit when available.
Thanks for your time and patronage,
Val & Kenny