We will be at the New Albany Farmer’s Market this Saturday morning, summer hours have begun 8:00-12:30. Be sure and stop by for your weekly fresh produce.
All good things must come to an end… Kenny has mowed and plowed under all the lettuces, mustard greens and collard greens for the summer our spinach has been gone for a couple of weeks. He decided to plant a new crop is Asian greens and is keeping most of the kale and Swiss chard thru the summer. It’s time to make more room for other produce and more tomatoes for later.
Not to worry… we will have plenty at the market! On the tables this week you will find… cabbage, broccoli(few), cauliflower, peas, beets, new potatoes, green beans, zucchini, yellow squash, kale, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, green onions, and Kenny’s CANDY onions. Blueberries are ready for picking, we should have some… at least for our “Basket of the Week”. Peaches are getting close, about 2-3 weeks for the first variety. Our weekly baskets are now available, be sure and pre-order by NOON Friday.
The chickens are loving this weather and are producing well, they are giving us plenty of eggs to bring to market. But like with all good things they sell out fairly early too.
Just a reminder, we have our homemade preserved items available along with Kenny’s beautiful handmade wood items. E-mail me for any additional information or to place an order~ Val@russellveggies.com
Have a great week and we will see you at the market,
Val & Kenny