We will be at the New Albany Farmer’s Market this Saturday morning, summer hours have begun 8:00- 12:30. Be sure and stop by for your weekly fresh produce, the greens are out of control and it’s getting real now!
Strawberries are ripe and will be available. Cabbage is on the list for the week along with several other new items. As always, we will have mixed lettuce greens, kale, spinach, mustard, Asian stir fry mix and black seeded Simpson. Asparagus should be plentiful as well as spring onions, radishes, rhubarb and a few more garlic scapes. Get there early and check it all out.
The chickens are loving this weather and are producing well, they are giving us plenty of eggs to bring to market. But like with all good things they sell out fairly early too.
Kenny said it’s time to PLANT… he will be bringing a variety of tomato (heirlooms) and pepper plants. I will have herbs available for your gardens and patio areas. Herbs include… parsley, sage, thyme, cilantro, mint, basil, oregano, rosemary the list just keeps on going. Only about another week or so for plants, produce is starting to take over once again.
Just a reminder, we have our homemade preserved items available along with Kenny’s beautiful handmade wood items. E-mail me for any additional information or to place an order~ val@russellveggies.com.
Have a great week and we will see you at the market,
Val & Kenny