This is the weekend lots of folks in our area look forward to every year… and for us it’s the first weekend off since May. We are headed in different directions this year. Kenny is headed to Brown County to check out their farmer’s markets as we seldom get to visit other markets. This is a great opportunity for him and he is looking forward to the adventure. I’m headed south with the Louisville clan to invade Clemson, can’t wait to be with family and friends for the long weekend. Go Cards!
Harvest Homecoming is a long standing tradition for the city of New Albany so be sure to take time to enjoy the festivities. We hope for a beautiful weekend for all the outdoor activities. You can check out all their details at We will return to the farmer’s market next weekend and continue through the end of October.
Next weekend we plan to have plenty of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, radishes, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and fall/winter squashes. We will have tons of greens as well… kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard and baby lettuces. We will still have apples thru October.
As the harvest season winds down, we have decided to discontinue our “Basket of the Week” program for the year. We will however still offer pre-orders as usual. Our “Baskets last week still looked awesome, but this cool weather has all but ended our summer crops. We look forward to offering them again next season. A huge thank you to all those who participated this year!
Enjoy your weekend and see you all next Saturday,
Val & Kenny

Final “Basket of the Week” for the 2014 growing season.