Just a sampling of what is coming…
We offer a “Basket of the Week”, which is our local grown product. We provide the basket each week, but do expect you to return it on your next visit. It includes what is currently in season, and has veggies and fruit when available. The baskets are the 1/2 bushel with handle size and weigh from 27-32 lbs. depending on veggies. The cost is $32 and we can add fresh-free range eggs for an additional $3.50. You are not obligated to purchase every week as a CSA ** but they will be available each week.
Baskets should be picked up on Saturdays between 8-12 at the New Albany Farmer’s Market; located on the corner of Bank and Market streets in beautiful downtown New Albany. Please note that all baskets not picked up by noon will be sold to other customers.
But believe it or not, the larger basket is about perfect size for a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children) if you cook most nights. Along with your basket you can also get recipes from our website to help enjoy your veggie purchase.
We have had request for “Single” size for our customers and are going to try and accommodate them as well. We will have a smaller size basket this year, it will be in the peck basket, which is 1/4 bushel. They weigh between 14-17 pounds, depending on veggies included and will be half the price, $16
Baskets are available by pre-orders ONLY, via e-mail @ val@russellveggies.com and Face Book Message, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Russell-Veggies/140889669283756. Your order should be received by noon on Friday and will be made fresh Saturday morning for pick-up. Please be sure to include a contact number with your order.
Our veggies are as naturally grown as possible, 0n our veggies like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower we use Diatomaceous Earth (DE), which is 100% organic. We found that this worked fantastic in previous years and will use as needed on our other veggies. Our fruit is never sprayed after the bloom sets, and no chemical process is used as a preservative. That’s why the shelf life is not that of the grocery stores.
Find more information about our farm on our website… http://www.russellveggies.com/our-farm/ Again, thanks for the inquiry and I hope this information was helpful.
Look forward to meeting you in the future,
Val & Kenny Russell
** CSA ~ Community Supported Agriculture ~ this is where you invest your dollars in the spring and reap the benefits of a certain farmers yield throughout his growing season. CSA are generally delivered/picked up on a continuous weekly basis.