Thanks for an awesome Saturday at the New Albany Farmer’s Market. We had fantastic customers, wonderful weather and great sales… we were sold out before noon. We will be back at the market again Wednesday from 4-7.
It is strawberry season but depending on the weather we may or may not have any for sale Wednesday. If all the rain that is predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday arrive, we may not be able to pick them… and if we did they may not be very tasty. We plan to have some but right now we just can’t say for sure. The weather for the remainder of the week looks good so berries for the weekend should be fine.
It’s beginning to look a lot like… tomatoes! Kenny’s favorite time of year. We will have more available on Wednesday! It’s also “Candy” onion time, they are finally big enough to start pulling. Once we start, they like tomatoes just get better and better!
We will also have… English peas, beautiful beets, kale, radishes, green onions, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini – green and golden, yellow squash, black seeded Simpson lettuce, leeks, new potatoes, and a few Swiss chard.
Reminders… We only bring eggs on Wednesday if you pre-order them, otherwise you can pick them up on any Saturday morning. We will continue our baskets of the week this weekend, if you are ready to get started please let me know by Friday morning. It takes lots of planning to make them happen.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases, and have a great week. We hope to see you on Wednesday evening,
Val & Kenny