Last weeks’ Basket of the Week
It’s pretty much a repeat of last week… tomatoes! Kenny’s favorite time of year. We will even have more available this Saturday! It’s also “Candy” onion time, they are finally big enough to start pulling. Once we start, they like tomatoes just get better and better!
You won’t believe the size of Kenny’s elephant garlic this year… he just started digging them and they are awesome! Be sure and take one home with you Saturday!
Blueberries are coming in as well as black raspberries, we hope to have both for several weeks. Be sure to come early ’cause they are gone in no time.
We will also have at the market Saturday… English peas, beautiful beets, cucumbers, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens, green onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, zucchini – green and golden, yellow squash, green beans and new potatoes.
We will continue our “Basket of the week” this weekend, if you are ready to get started please let me know by Friday morning. It takes lots of planning to make them happen, they are done fresh Saturday morning and are pre-orders only.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases, and remember to visit other Floyd County vendors while at the market. Just a reminder that we have been selling out early… Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs as well.
Have a great week and we will see you on Saturday,
Val & Kenny

Elephant Garlic 2014