Winter Squash
Fall is upon us therefore, we will have more fall and winter items: winter squash… acorn, butternut, carnival and spaghetti are now available. The first batches of sweet potatoes will also be available as well as Gala and Mutuz apples.
Summer crops are about the same this week… Kenny’s home grown tomatoes, several heirloom varieties, fresh corn and green beans! We’ll also have Swiss chard, new potatoes, kale, zucchini – golden and green, summer squash, eggplants, bell peppers, candy onions and cucumbers. Kenny’s hot peppers are going to be available… jalapeños, banana peppers, pablano and a hot mix variety. Those include Cheyenne, Ghost, Serrano, Habanero and White Lightening; those are HOT peppers!
We have bushels of tomatoes and sweet corn ready to harvest, if anyone needs some for canning please let us know and we will be glad to bring them to the market for you.
Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market. Just a reminder that we have been selling out early each week… so come early or pre-order to make sure you get the items you need.
“Basket of the Week” customers ~ please remember to bring back your baskets and make sure to e-mail me a reminder to ensure your basket order… val@russellveggies.com
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market,
Val & Kenny