Valarie Russell on February 12th, 2013

We’re back and will be taking orders for the greens we have available… baby lettuce, spinach, and kale.  Growing is slow but steady and Kenny has been gardening and transplanting every day.  The seeding greenhouse is almost full and he just finished reconstructing the second high tunnel hoop-house. It will house the broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower for the […]

Continue reading about at the market this Saturday…

Valarie Russell on February 12th, 2013

Thanks Dodge for this awesome commercial.  The Ram brand has declared 2013 the year of the farmer, and is kicking off a year of programs dedicating to highlighting the importance of farmers. I can’t watch this without tearing up, this was the best commercial of the Super Bowl. I know it’s a Dodge commercial, but it was  […]

Continue reading about “So God Made a Farmer”