It’s small business Saturday so make your way to beautiful Downtown New Albany and support your local businesses and all they do for our community. You can stop by your local farmer’s market on your way downtown and pick up fresh veggies as well as holiday gift giving ideas. We do appreciate your patronage throughout the year and know that each of you support us in your own way. We look forward to your visits and enjoy bring you the freshest and finest produce we can possible produce.
We will have cabbage, onions, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, fall/winter squashes…acorn, spaghetti and butternut. Sad to say our tomatoes are gone for the season, but our fresh baby lettuce will be cut and ready this weekend… we will have Red Sails and European Mix varieties this week. Plenty of greens too; Swiss chard, kale and spinach as well as some turnips with tops, fresh salad radishes and mustard greens. I will have a few fresh herbs again this week if you are still in the cooking mood.
Don’t forget your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market… just a reminder, we have been selling out each week so come early or pre-order to make sure you get them.
We still will have Mistletoe. Kenny and his buddy Lee harvested some for the holidays, pick some up for your holiday decorations.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market,
Val & Kenny
P. S. Honey will be at the market this weekend. My friend Valerie Shealy will be there with local honey, fresh from farms in Starlight and Floyds Knobs Indiana. She may also have some other items you would enjoy, stop in for a visit and check out her provisions.

Shealy Farms ~ Floyds Knobs, Indiana