Russell Veggies' youngest customer enjoying his first fresh strawberry!
Thanks to all who came out for a wonderful opening day at the market last weekend. Wow, there was such a grand turnout of both patrons as well as vendors! My how we have grown, let’s hope the weather remains this wonderful and the produce abounds.
We will have plenty of produce this weekend, mostly green stuff, but a good variety… we will have Swiss chard and it is awesome this week, kale, spinach, lettuce(European Blend and some Romaine), cabbage, Chinese cabbage, green onions, radishes and of course strawberries. Kenny may also has a few surprises on hand.
We will have plenty of tomato plants and other veggie plants for sale. My herbs are looking great, we will have many varieties available as well as multiple herb pots available. Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market as well.
If anyone needs produce and would like me to have ready, just e-mail me and let me know early in the day Friday. I will have your order ready when you arrive on Saturday morning. Please remember to bring back your reusable bags for your produce.
We are looking forward to another great year and hope to see you at the market,
Val & Kenny
- Quincy Greene, enjoying Uncle Kenny’s fresh strawberries for the first time.