Tonya's Spinach
This recipe is from one of our regular customers at the market. Tonya is from Europe and loves our salad greens and spinach, she sent this recipe to me this week when she placed her weekly greens order. She noted…” Feel free to adjust the recipe to more local taste; I know my taste is different from most of the people.”
This is such a simple and fast side dish that would accompany most any meal. I tried it out on Kenny using fresh mushrooms I picked up at the grocery this week and olive oil I had on hand. We enjoy a variety of different mushrooms so this was a pleasurable side for dinner. I will look for the macadamia oil next time I head to Louisville, I’m curious as to the flavor difference.
Sauté Shitaki mushrooms in your favorite oil (she uses macadamia oil) for a few minutes, salt to taste. Then add sesame seeds and fresh spinach, stir until wilted (about a minute or less). Crumble goat cheese on top once you have plated, she uses Capriole.
Kenny told me after trying this that he could make a meal of just this; I guess it could be a meal in itself, especially when you add the cheese for your protein.
Thanks again Tonya for the recipe, we really enjoyed.
Tags: goat cheese, sesame seeds, shitaki mushrooms, spinach