Good Luck Braves!
Thanks for another great day at the winter market on February 25th . We appreciate all of you that support us by coming to the market. We sold out of most everything again that day, but I did get to take home a few collard greens. I talked to some of you about making my “Rustic Cabbage Soup” with collards instead of cabbage; and since they are in season and cabbage is not, I tried it. Well, Kenny said he liked it better with the collards! So if any of you tried the cabbage soup you should try it with the collard greens.
Kenny will be handling the market this weekend alone because I am heading to Lagootee, Indiana to watch our Borden Braves in the Class A High School Basketball Regional’s. My nephew, Cody, is on the team and I always support the team so I’m off for another day of basketball mania! Be sure to pre-order this week so I can have your order ready for pick-up on Saturday. Just shoot me an e-mail early Friday morning and I will pack them early Saturday morning before I leave and Kenny will bring to the market for you.
Our greens are looking awesome, our Swiss chard is slow growing but we will have some available. Our kale, spinach and collard greens are very nice right now as well as our lettuce. The lettuce is actually loving these warm days and our European blend looks great! We have been cutting pretty hard the last several weeks but the new plantings are ready to begin cutting. Kenny tells me he will have mustard greens available this weekend too.
Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market. Just a reminder that we have been selling out early each week so come early or pre-order to make sure you get what you need.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market,
Val & Kenny
View from the farm Monday…