Lindhem Stuga
I met this wonderful woman, Ms Vicki Lingdren, while working at The Y a few years ago. During some of our farmer’s market conversations, I learned of her family heritage and her desire to become part of our local farmer’s market.
Her late husband, Bert, was born in Sweden; and his lifelong dream was to start a business in this country selling Swedish style quality items. Vicki is doing her best to fulfill his dream. Her business is Lindhem Stuga, Inc., which includes homemade children’s clothing, diaper bags, blankets, soaps, breads, woven items and photography greeting cards which are all either Swedish or Swedish inspired.
Vicki will be bringing her famous Swedish rye bread, Swedish rusks and homemade bread bags this weekend to our winter market. Please stop by and visit with her and try some of her wonderful products.
Note: This is the playhouse Bert built for their children here in New Albany. She had this print commissioned by a local artist and owns all rights to the photos and art work. She now uses this for her business insignia.