Well it’s finally here…the end of the tomatoes; all that we had leftover last Saturday we happily made into salsa, forty-two pints in fact! We will have some at the market this weekend if you care to try some for yourself. They make great gifts too.
We will have some cabbage, onions, white and red potatoes, winter squashes, both acorn and butternut. Our fresh baby lettuce will be cut and ready this weekend… we have a few different blends, Rocky Top, Wildfire Mix and European Mix varieties this week. We are going to have greens (kale and spinach) this week and will have some turnips and mustard & turnip greens too.
Don’t forget to pick up your farm-fresh, free-range eggs at the market . We have chicken, quail and now duck eggs available. Just a reminder that we have been selling out early each week so come early or pre-order to make sure you get them.
If anyone needs produce and would like me to have ready, just e-mail me and let me know early in the day Friday. I will have your order ready when you arrive on Saturday morning. This is our last Saturday of the year, but we will return on the 14th of January 2012.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market this year. Wishing you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.
Val & Kenny