Andria & Patti Blum- Cardoso
In this our third year of sponsorship for this great cause, we had 80+ individuals contribute and walk with us again this year and raised more than $3,300 in support of the American Cancer Society. This money helps thousands of breast cancer patients and their families face their journey through services such as Reach to Recovery and Look Good…Feel Better. Russell Veggies’ calls this a huge success! Thanks to all of you that participated.
This year we gathered at the New Albany Farmer’s Market; decorated our vehicles as well as each other… handed out beads, bags and “Blums” to everyone then our small caravan heading through town with pink ribbons and flowers across the bridge to Louisville and meet up with the rest of the “Bosom Blum Beauties”.
This year we planned ahead and decided on a designated meeting place, “Finn’s Flock” (the art exhibit at Waterfront Park), of course as things go…. The Sherman Minton Bridge closing caused the Making Strides Walk to change their walk route, therefore starting the walk at… you guessed it…”Finn’s Flock”. Our team still seemed to find each other for a few moments and I was able to get a few pictures, however we never could get everyone at the same place for a group shot. I still got pictures of everyone and they were nice candid shots, I shared a few.
We are already making plans for next year and we hope to have even more walkers next year. If you want to join us next year contact me… valarie@russellveggies.com

Knable Crew

Vicky, Barbara, Misty, Deb & Bryan