Summer Bounty
This Wednesday at the market we will have tomatoes (many of Kenny’s heirloom varieties will be available), sweet corn, green beans, eggplant, all kinds of peppers, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, Kenebec potatoes, sweet potatoes and okra. We will have a few more peaches and some of our Indiana grown seedless watermelons. It’s almost apple season, we will have Gala apples this week and Mutuz apples in a week or so.
We have plenty of canning tomatoes available for those wanting them to make homemade salsa, tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes or anything else” tomato”. Call or e-mail if you need them, we still have Roma tomatoes by the half or full bushel.
If anyone needs me to make them a basket to have ready for pick up, just e-mail me and let me know early Wednesday. I will have your order ready when you arrive on Wednesday. We also have a “Basket of the week” which includes a little bit of everything available the current week. The “Weekly Basket” run $25 and always includes fruit when available.
Thanks for supporting us with your purchases at the market.
Have a great Week,
Val & Kenny