Fresh from the farm
The hens have really started laying.. .once we started getting warmer weather and longer days the have really started producing. We have added a few new varieties to the coop and will have the traditional brown eggs available, but we also have the Easter Egger’s. Which if you are unfamiliar with these, they are called Araucana and Ameraucana, and are originally from Chile, South America.
They lay naturally colored eggs in various pastel hues, primarily a blue-green shade. The perfect Easter egg — no need for dyeing! The color will be unaffected by boiling these eggs. We only have a limited number of these eggs so you will need to contact us for availability.
We raise heritage-breed chickens, with a focus on breeds listed as threatened by the American Livestock Breeds conservancy. Our flock has free range of our farmstead. During the growing season, we feed them fresh naturally-grown vegetables from our garden; they forage in the grass year round. They are raised with completely natural methods, free of hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals.
We will have eggs available for the Farmers’ Market this year, but if you need them before we open in May just e-mail or give us a call.

Araucana and Ameraucana eggs